St Patrick’s Day Pom Pom Pot of Gold Game

St Patrick’s Day is next week, and today I have a fun (and easy) game for your kiddos. This would be especially fun for young kids. All you need are yarn pom poms and a pot. I used my crock pot, but you can use a bowl, a bucket, really whatever you have available.


St Patrick's Day craft




Pom poms are super easy to make. I have posted a tutorial on how to make them using a Clover Pom Pom Maker. Check it out here.Ā I made my poms in two different shades of yellow, a different shade for each player. I made 5 each.






Each person gets 5 pom poms. Mark a spot some distance away from the pot. Each player then takes turns tossing their “gold” into the pot. The player with the most gold in the pot wins!

Super duper easy, but might keep those kiddos busy for a bit!

Here’s a quick video to show how it’s done.



What sorts of things do you do for St. Patrick’s Day?



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